You have come to the right place
The arrow in the image to the right is approximately where we are located: at the center of a chaotic, information rich universe.
We help companies find their way through this world and develop strategies for success.

Knowing the position you occupy in your industry makes it easier to find those around you with whom you may have shared interests. It is also necessary when planning your next strategic move.
- Looking to acquire a critical technology?
- Looking for a new market to adopt your products?
We develop "living" industry landscapes and are continually monitoring and adjusting our view of your world.
Based on our deep knowledge of a few key markets, PEREY Research & Consulting provides technology transfer, technology scouting and management advisory services to organizations of all sizes. We are ideally suited to assist companies find their bearings in specific industry niches
on which we focus, and to plan for successful futures.
A Few Lighthouse Projects
PEREY Research & Consulting initiates projects designed to accelerate the development of markets. Learn more about these here.
City WalkShops
During City WalkShops, people with different perspectives--the architects, the designers, the policy makers and citizens--on the same city can come into direct contact with the technologists, the geeks who implant and manage the digital infrastructure on our behalf to explore and expand our understanding.
We partner with local groups, design and conduct WalkShops in Barcelona, New York City and Zurich in order to experiment with sources of urban data (the sensors around us) and the visualization of information about local objects using Augmented Reality and other technologies. Through the process we are also building the tools to help other organizers around the world hold successful WalkShops in their own cities.
Learn more about the first New York City WalkShop.
Precise Positioning and Navigation Testbed
Our ground-breaking initiative to advance the science of precise positioning is the Precise Positioning and Navigation Testbed.
The testbed is the first opportunity for precise positioning technology providers and integrators to deploy in the Gran Via venue in Barcelona and see how they perform.
Hosting organizations, GSMA and Fira de Barcelona, are partnering with sponsors and PEREY Research & Consulting to offer this unique real world environment and invite leading companies to learn for themselves how well they can complete the course.
The testbed was designed in collaboration with our scientific advistory committee, composed of professionals and researchers with extensive experience in precise indoor positioning.
AR-4-Basel Framework for Innovation
We are the engine behind the highly successful AR-4-Basel framework for innovation.
AR-4-Basel pushes the edges of both technological boundaries and creative potentials while bringing new experiences to the citizens and visitors of Basel.
Our vision is that by making public and private data sets for cities like Basel available to the thousands of Augmented Reality developers using commercial and research platforms around the world, new experiences blending digital data and the real world will be created.
The visualization of data can be for professional applications (e.g., energy management, emergency response, decision making and resource management policies) or for consumers (e.g., tourism, search, how to find your friends and other mobile services).
We are applying the lessons learned in this project to other cities around the world. Look for AR in your urban environment soon!
Important Upcoming Events
Meeting with people and dicussing trends assists in finding your place in the industry and in understanding where you should be going in the future.
One of our industry development services is to design and conduct industry gatherings. We also attend meetings and events organized by third parties.
Dates | Event | City |
July 21, 2013 | ISO/JTC 1 Mixed and Augmented Reality Joint Adhoc Group | Anaheim, California |
July 22-25, 2013 | SIGGRAPH2013 | Anaheim, California |
July 24, 2013 | Khronos Group Camera BOF | Anaheim, California |
July 27-August 2, 2013 | MPEG Meeting 105 | Vienna, Austria |
September 6-8, 2013 | State of the Map | Birmingham, UK |
September 8-13, 2013 | Khronos Group Face 2 Face Meeting | San Antonio Texas | September 8-12, 2013 | Ubicomp2013 | Zurich, Switzerland |
September 22-23, 2013 | AR Browser Interoperability Meeting | Turin, Italy |
September 23-27, 2013 | Open Geospatial Consortium TC Meeting | Frascati, Italy |
October 1-4, 2013 | ISMAR 2013 | Adelaide, South Australia |
October 10-11, 2013 | InsideAR | Munich, Germany |
October 27-November 1, 2013 | MPEG 106 Meeting | Geneva, Switzerland |
November 19-21, 2013 | Smart City Expo 2013 | Barcelona, Spain |
November 20-21, 2013 | SAE AR VR Symposium | Stuttgart, Germany |
Our 2013 Position Papers
We have worked on a range of topics of interest to different AR ecosystem
players. Please browse and delve deeply into the subjects that concern you
most. Contact us if you wish to provide your thoughts and feedback.
4D Data in AR Camera View
Mobile Augmented Reality suffers from challenges with both data shortages
and over-abundance, as well as data serving and utilization on mobile. We believe
that these challenges must be addressed for Mobile AR experiences. In this paper
we describe an apporoach developed as part of a collaboration of research and
development partners. A large meteorological data set including forecasts, can
be explored by a user and combined with other data in an intuitive manner.
We also propose that the approach be applied for 2D and 3D data sets with temporal
and geospatial parameters.
Future Scenarios and their Impacts on Standards for Mobile AR
Based on continual landscape monitoring and consulting activities in the
mobile AR and related enabling technology segments, this paper describes a few
scenarios for the next 12 to 24 months and examines how they might impact the
development and adoption of standards for mobile AR. We encourage discussion of
our opinions by AR Standards Community members on the mailing list and during
future meetings.
Our 2012 Position Papers
AR-4-Venues White Paper
Mobile Augmented Reality is an ideal approach to enhance the experiences of
visitors to venues. We begin with an explanation of how important it is for the
operators of brick-and-mortar venues and businesses to stage experiences for
those who they want to attract and to engage in profitable transactions. Our survey
of different venue types allows us to compare their suitability and likelihood of
adopting AR for visitor experiences or professional applications. We consider some
of the possible needs that AR addresses and, by examining a few projects that have
used AR for enriching the experiences of visitors or customers we identify some basic
features of successful AR deployments for venues.
It was the starting point for discussion during the January 2012 meeting
of the Swiss AR meetup group, ARCH.
Mobile AR Use Cases White Paper
The purpose of this position paper is to provide greater clarity for the
AR Use Case categories and use cases proposed for discussion by the AR Standards
Community. The three use case categories use specific language. We recommend that
Standards Development Organizations that wish to focus on AR scenarios consider
adoption of language/concepts made available in this AR use case document.
It was the starting point for discussion during Fifth meeting
of the ARStandards Community.
Hands-Free AR Standards Community Resource
The genesis of this document dates back to a side meeting of the ARE2010
called and chaired by Yohan Baillot, during which the proposal was made that
open interfaces for hands-free displays and AR devices be forged in collaboration
with the manufacturers of systems, subsystems and mobile devices.
In January 2011,
an AR Standards community position paper co-authored by Baillot and Perey was
Discussions during the Sixth AR Standards Community Meeting in Geneva
led to the formation of a task force for the preparation of this document.
AR Standards Interoperability Experiment
In the future, when there are AR standards defining file formats, interfaces
and other components necessary for a basic set of Open and Interoperable AR
experiences, there will need to be experiments to permit developers of tools
and enabling technologies to test interoperability and to instill confidence
among publishers of content and end users of experiences.
In this paper we explore further the need for interoperability testing, approaches
that could be taken to establish methodologies and encourage the community members
to establish a task force to pursue this important work.
Our 2011 Position Papers
We have worked on a range of topics of interest to different AR ecosystem
players. Please browse and delve deeply into the subjects that concern you
most. Contact us if you wish to provide your thoughts and feedback.
Augmented Reality for Learning
This is an introduction to AR for professionals in the field of learning.
It was the starting point for discussion during the March 2011 meeting
of the Swiss AR meetup group, ARCH.
Augmented Reality Analyst Note
An Overview of Mobile Augmented Reality for Network Operators and
Examination of Possible Roles, prepared in collaboration with Telco 2.0.
Print and Publishing and the Future of Augmented Reality
An Overview of Augmented Reality for Printers and Publishers with a
focus on opportunities and obstacles to long term growth. This white paper
was prepared for the January 17 2011 meeting of ARCH.
Standards for AR with Print: Call for a New Initiative
This is in part overlapping with the white paper for the ARCH meeting
but focusing more on what might happen if the providers of digital conent
management systems for printers/publishers were involved in developing
APIs for Augmented Reality experiences. This is a position paper for the
International AR Standards Meeting which took place February 17-19 2011 in
Does AR Need a Formal Industry Body?
This paper examines possible scenarios for the coordinated activities of
companies in the AR ecosystem. We describe the purpose of other industry
alliances and associations to see how far or closely they are aligned with
the needs of the AR companies. We take a look at what has happened in one
industry where there no industry alliance ever took responsibility for the
the coordinated development of best practices and open interfaces. Finally,
we describe a scenario in which an AR industry body is formed. This is a
position paper for the International AR Standards Meeting which took
place February 17-19 2011 in Barcelona.
AR Eyewear and Mobile Devices
This paper developed in collaboration with Simulation3D, explains why
users will seek alternatives to the mobile device screen for AR experiences.
We make the case that eyewear for AR will be a popular option, however, there
are obstacles to be overcome. We call for manufacturers of mobile devices to
work with eyewear companies on a common interface. This is a position paper
for the International AR Standards Meeting which took
place February 17-19 2011 in Barcelona.
AR Human Interfaces: The Case of Gesture
In this paper, we look at other intuitive interfaces for technology and
how, in light of the fact that we want our hands free, there may be an important
role for gestures in AR. We suggest using the seven user-centric design
principles for better understanding how to increase AR usability with gesture.
This is a position paper for the International AR Standards Meeting which
took place February 17-19 2011 in Barcelona.
In-Depth Studies
Mobile Augmented Reality in Retail and Commerce
Commerce is one of the oldest and one of the most universal activities of the human species. Since the birth of civilization, people have been engaging in trade for survival and profit. Technology has continuously improved critical points and processes in the chain between raw materials and customer satisfaction. Now, one of the newest forms of converged technology, Augmented Reality, is ready to be applied in a variety of ways to assist businesses and consumers. Read more...
Mobile Augmented Reality in Publishing
The uses of Augmented Reality in combination with print are virtually endless.
We have been studying the opportunities, the tools and the examples to date.
Mobile Social Networking
The second edition of the Mobile Social Networking report is available from Informa Telecoms
& Media. It is the deepest analysis of the segment to date. It looks at all current trends across
all communiities. The new report features 13 country profiles (and "rest of region" analyses)
which dig into why different mobile community strategies are needed for different countries
and regions. It's NOT just a question of the language!
This report examines:
- new technology strategies and business models,
- the effects of the "mobilization" of the largest Web
communiities on existing and new smaller communities, - emergence of industry standards and Application Interfaces, and
- the strategies of mobile network operators.
Events in 2013
Dates | Event | City |
January 8-11, 2013 | Consumer Electronics Show | Las Vegas, Nevada |
January 14-18, 2013 | Open Geospatial Consortium TC Meeting | Redlands, California |
January 21-25, 2013 | Khronos Group Face to Face meeting | Orlando, Florida |
January 21-25, 2013 | ISO/IEC JTC1 SC 29 | Geneva, Switzerland |
January 29, 2013 | IoT Zurich Meetup Group Meeting | Zurich, Switzerland |
February 12-14, 2013 | Tools of Change 2013 | New York, New York |
February 24, 2013 | Barcelona City WalkShop | Barcelona, Spain |
February 25-28, 2013 | Mobile World Congress 2013 | Barcelona, Spain |
March 1-2, 2013 | Eighth AR Standards Community Meeting | Barcelona, Spain |
March 9-12, 2013 | South by Southwest | Austin, Texas |
March 18-21, 2013 | GPU Technology Conference | San Jose, California |
March 25-28, 2013 | Games Developers Conference | San Jose, California |
May 7, 2013 | IoT Zurich Meetup | Zurich, Switzerland |
May 21, 2013 | Zurich City WalkShop | Zurich, Switzerland |
May 28, 2013 | ARNY Meetup | New York, New York |
May 29-30, 2013 | Ninth AR Standards Community Meeting | New York, New York |
May 31, 2013 | New York City WalkShop | New York, New York |
June 4-5, 2013 | Augmented World Expo | Santa Clara, California |
June 20-22, 2013 | 18th International Conference on 3D Web Technology | San Sebastien, Spain |
June 26-29, 2013 | Wearable Computing and AR in everyday life | Toronto, Canada |
Events in 2012
IoT Zurich meetup group
This is the tenth meeting of the IoT Zurich Meetup Group. The theme
of this meeting was the Quantified Self and Citizen Sensing movements. JP de Vooght,
a solution architect and project manager in Internet and Mobile, spoke about
the participation of citizens in sustainability issues through hard and soft sensing.
In addition, Christian Leu shared his experiences with Internet-connected self-
tracking devices like the Withings body scale and the Nike+ sports sensor.
To get more information on IoT-Zurich, join the meetup group!
PEREY Research & Consulting will co-chair this networking meeting at Swisscom.
For all the details on the December 11, 2012 meeting, please visit the meeting's web page.
Barcelona City WalkShop
The Barcelona City WalkShop was conducted in Barcelona, Spain and
permitted city planners, urban architects and technologists to see IoT and city
sensing systems in situ, followed by an interactive workshop.
PEREY Research & Consulting co-led this City WalkShop on Nov 16, 2012.
Smart City Expo
The second annual Smart City Expo and Conference was held in Barcelona, Spain
and focused on the societal, engineering and government issues with implementing
Smart City practices and technologies. The meeting was co-located with the ETBI
Railway event from November 13-15, 2012.
PEREY Research & Consulting attended this event on Nov 13-15, 2012.
Seventh International Meeting on AR Standards
All those who are currently working towards open interfaces via standards
bodies were invited to present the status of their activities. Companies and
individuals with interest in the topic of AR standards also attended this
meeting. The meeting pre-reading recommendations and position papers are
available on this page.
GA Tech Augmented Environments Lab and Khronos Group are sponsors
of this meeting.
PEREY Research & Consulting will chair this meeting in Atlanta, Georgia
on November 8-9, 2012.
ISMAR 2012
The International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality is the largest
annual meeting of researchers and experts on Mixed and Augmented Reality. It is
the single most important event for the publication of cutting edge research in AR.
PEREY Research & Consulting attended and participated in this meeting in Atlanta,
Georgia on November 6-8, 2012.
ISMAR2012 Indoor Positioning
and Navigation Birds of a Feather Session
This BOF session advances the science of real time positioning of the smartphone
user without the use of GPS and providing navigation services in spaces (e.g.,
office buildings, shopping malls, airports, other venues) with and for mobile
Augmented Reality. The session brought together experts who are researching
and/or implementing AR with/for both outdoor and indoor navigation with those
who are experts in indoor positioning in order to exchange learnings and advance
the science.
PEREY Research & Consulting co-chaired this BOF session in Atlanta, Georgia
on November 5, 2012.
IoT Zurich meetup group
This was the ninth meeting of the IoT Zurich Meetup Group. The theme
of this meeting was the Do It Yourself IoT movement. Thomas Amberg, co-chair,
introduced projects with which he is involved, as well as favorites he has discovered.
Cuno Pfister, CEO of Oberoon, introduced the Mountaineer Open Source Hardware,
Marco Brini, CEO of EnvEve spoke about IoT "Lego blocks" for DIY project builders.
To get more information on IoT-Zurich, join the meetup group!
PEREY Research & Consulting co-chaired this networking meeting at ETHZ.
For all the details on the October 31, 2012 meeting, please visit the meeting's web page.
Internet of Things 2012
The Internet of Things 2012 conference for industry and academia is the third in a
series launched in 2008 on Zurich by the ETHZ and Auto-ID Labs partners.
This major biennial event brings together leading researchers and practitioners
to facilitate the sharing of applications, research results, and knowledge.
The meeting included a highly selective dual-track program for technical
papers, accompanied by reports on business projects from seasoned practitioners,
poster sessions summarizing late-breaking results, and hands-on demos of
current technology.
PEREY Research & Consulting attended and participated in this meeting in
Wuxi, China on October 24-27, 2012.
MPEG 102th meeting
The 102nd meeting of MPEG members took place in Shanghai for the purpose
of developing international standards for compression, decompression, processing and
coded representation of moving pictures, audio and their combination.
PEREY Research & Consulting attended and participated in this meeting in
Shanghai, China on October 15-19, 2012 .
OGC Technical Committee Meeting
Members of the Open Geospatial Consortium meet quarterly to develop and
to study the use of geospatial standards in many domains. These meetings are
where those working on AR Markup Language, KML, 3D Information Management and
other standards highly relevant to AR and the Internet of Things discuss
and advance their activities.
PEREY Research & Consulting is an active member of the OGC. In October, we
participated in the meetings of the IndoorGML SWG, 3DIM DWG, ARML SWG,
the Business Value Committee and others during the meeting in Seoul, Korea
between October 8-12, 2012.
Informa Smart Cities Industry Summit
This event brought together key players in the ecosystem of cities
to evaluate the roles of all technology providers, but in particular that of
the mobile network operators. The challenge of managing Big Data in the Smart
City and providing infrastructure across utilities, transportation, healthcare
and retail sectors will require partnerships. These were the topics of the summit
which was co-located with the Telco Cloud Enablers Summit .
This event took place in London on the 25 and 26 of September 2012.
Sixth International Meeting on AR Standards
All those who are currently working towards open interfaces via standards
bodies were invited to present the status of their activities. Companies and
individuals with interest in the topic of AR standards also attended this
meeting. The presentations are available on this page.
Khronos Group is sponsor of this meeting.
PEREY Research & Consulting chaired this meeting in Geneva, Switzerland
on July 23-24, 2012.
Do-It-Yourself IoT Workshop
This hands-on workshop provided those who want to experiment with IoT
concepts the skills and tools they will need to begin turning their ideas into
projects for personal satisfaction or professional benefits. Participants got experience
with one open source hardware and software platform and took their prototyping
board with them at the conclusion of the workshop.
This workshop was open to all interested parties who registered in advance and paid
the participation fee for the hardware selected.
PEREY Research & Consulting co-organized this workshop with Thomas Amberg, founder
of Yaler. The workshop was held at the MechArt lab in Zurich.
IoT Zurich meetup group
This was the fifth meeting of the IoT Zurich Meetup Group. The theme
of this meeting was the Arduino platform. Arduino is the first contact many DIY-ers
have to get acquainted with the Internet of Things practical skills. This meeting's
speakers included Thomas Bruehlmann, author of popular German Arduino book
Arduino Praxiseinstieg. To get more information on IoT-Zurich, join the meetup group!
PEREY Research & Consulting chaired this meeting in a new venue: ZHdK.
For all the details on the June 26, 2012 meeting, please visit the meeting's web page.
Mobile Asia Expo
The first Mobile Asia Expo in Shanghai, China celebrated the Asian
mobile industry's opportunities to provide the most advanced mobile services
to citizens of China and across the Asia Pacific region. The event, organized by
GSMA,featured a full conference program and one of the largest
exhibitions of the leading mobile industry providers.
In the Augmented Life Zone, organized by PEREY Research & Consulting, live
demonstrations by Seac02, mCRUMBS, Total Immersion, Zugara illustrated
how Augmented Reality in the beauty salon, grocery store and many other retail
and commercial spaces can enrich the customer experience and help in making
rapid and well-informed purchasing decisions.
PEREY Research & Consulting conducted meetings and demos in Shanghai
June 20 to 22, 2012.
OGC Technical Committee Meeting
Members of the Open Geospatial Consortium meet quarterly to develop and
to study the use of geospatial standards in many domains. These meetings are
where those working on AR Markup Language, KML, 3D Information Management and
other standards highly relevant to AR discuss and advance their activities.
PEREY Research & Consulting is an active member of the OGC. In June, we
participated in the meetings of the 3DIM DWG, ARML SWG, the Business Value
Committee and others during the meeting in Exeter, UK between June 18-22, 2012.
Open Internet of Things Assembly
Organized by Diana Proca, Ed, Borden, Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino and
Trevor Harwood and hosted by Cosm, the Open Internet of Things Assembly was
an opportunity to meet and discuss with thought leaders, practitioners and government
bodies around the growing field of the Internet of Things. Participants contributed to
the development of a manifesto for an Open Internet of Things. The Open Internet
of Things Document will support the efficient exchange of timely and accurate information
and the protection of choice and privacy.
PEREY Research & Consulting participated in the Open IoT Assembly near London's
'Silicon Roundabout' on June 16-17, 2012.
Dimension 3 Expo
Organized by Avance Rapide Communications, the Forum has become an exceptional
networking hub in Europe for graphics and imaging professionals. It is a creative nexus
for those in stereo 3D creation, production, broadcasting and visualization domains to
share techniques, tools and to recruit the rising stars in the business.
The three-day Forum included:
- A vendor exhibition space
- Dozens conference sessions and workshops
- A festival of stereo 3D content, and
- A professional talent marketplace.
The topic of Augmented Reality was featured in several conference sessions
and workshops.
The sixth edition of Dimension 3 Forum took place at the Docks Pullmann in
Saint-Denis (Paris Region) on June 13-15, 2012.
International Internet of Things Event
The International Internet of Things Event merged business (where is the money) and
technology, and focused on two Internet of Things cases: The individual and The Home.
The seminar tackled social, technical, cultural and design challenges, discussed innovative
solutions, show new business opportunities. It provided an outlook into the future of
Internet of Things for The individual and The Home. The exhibition showcased Internet
of Things products and services in their current and future formats.
PEREY Research & Consulting attended the Internet of Things Event on June 6, 2012
in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
New Cities Summit 2012
The New Cities Summit , organized by the New Cities Foundation, aims to place
the city at the heart of the global discussion. This first annual invitation-only
event brought together communities, demos and interactive thematic workshops. Workshop
topics included: mobility, the creative and connected city, the just city, water, greener
buildings, infrastructure finance, and regional sessions.
PEREY Research & Consulting will attend the New Cities Summit on May 14-16, 2012
in Paris, France.
Augmented Reality Event 2012
The Third Annual Augmented Reality Event in Santa Clara featured
30 sessions in business, technology and production tracks, designed to inform and
aid those who are new or expanding in the Augmented Reality domain. It is where many
AR industry insiders came together to compare notes and plan for their futures.
PEREY Research & Consulting attended and presented at this conference in Santa Clara,
California on May 8-9, 2012.
MPEG 100th meeting
The 100th meeting of MPEG members took place in Geneva for the purpose
of developing international standards for compression, decompression, processing and
coded representation of moving pictures, audio and their combination.
PEREY Research & Consulting attended the meetings of the MPEG-A, MPEG-V
and the Augmented Reality Architecture Framework (ARAF) working groups
on April 29 to May 5, 2012.
Focus Group on M2M Standards
The Focus Group on the M2M service layer (FG M2M) will study activities currently
undertaken by various standards developing organizations in the field of M2M service
layer specifications to identify key requirements for a common M2M service layer.
Beginning with this organizational meeting, the FG M2M seeks to identify a minimum
set of common requirements of vertical markets, focusing initially on the health-care
market and application programming interfaces (APIs) and protocols supporting e-health
applications and services, and draft technical reports in these areas.
PEREY Research & Consulting attended the first meeting of the FG M2M in
Geneva, Switzerland on April 17 and 18, 2012.
GeoSpatial World Forum
The Geospatial World Forum is a platform of convergence for all stakeholders of the
global geospatial community, policy makers and end users of geospatial information.
Geospatial World Forum is a confluence of a variety of activities in the form of plenary,
symposia, seminars, workshops, panel discussions, exchange forums- covering the vast
gamut of technology, application, policy, use cases from around the world.
This conference was held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands from 23 to 27 of April, 2012.
Declarative 3D Workshop
This workshop served as a forum for the confluence of new and multidisciplinary
ideas that helped to drive research in the area of 3D graphics on the Web.
Participants discussed how the general principles that are/were valid for the
Web, translate to 3D declarative graphics, what are the difficulties, how can shared
goals be achieved in the current ecosystem of web development.
This workshop was held in conjunction with WWW2012, the 21st International World
Wide Web Conference in Lyon France from 16 to 20 of April, 2012.
IoT Zurich meetup group
This was the third meeting of the IoT Zurich Meetup Group. The theme
of this meeting was IoT and Cloud Services, with a bonus presentation by Interactive
Things who showcased their big data project on the city of Geneva. The meetup
group is open to all and there was casual networking after the presentations. To get
more information, join the meetup group!
PEREY Research & Consulting was chair of this meeting which took place in
Zurich, Switzerland on April 3, 2012. Our blog post about the meeting
contains links to the presentations and speaker bios.
The IoT-4-Cities workshop is an informational and professional networking event
focusing on the many opportunities to use Internet of Things for superior planning
and management of city resources. The expert guest speakers explained how IoT can
be used for traffic/mobility management, energy and water management.
The meeting was open to the public upon registration.
IoT-4-Cities event took place in Lausanne, Switzerland on March 30, 2012.
14th Laval Virtual
The Laval Virtual is the largest annual virtual reality industry event.
The conference commemorated its 25th edition in 2011, making it also the
longest-running event of its kind. The GDC attracts over 19,000 attendees,
and is the primary forum where programmers, artists, producers, game designers,
audio professionals, business decision-makers and others involved in the
development of interactive games gather to exchange ideas and shape the future
of the industry. New Augmented Reality titles are regularly released at GDC.
Laval Virtual took place in Laval, France on March 28-April 1, 2012.
New Digital Economics Silicon Valley
Organized by STL Partners, the New Digital Economics Executive Brainstorm and Forum
is a premium strategy event focused on new growth opportunities and business models
for Communications, Media and Entertainment companies. Opportunities and business
models are explored in each of seven co-located events:
- Digital Entertainment 2.0 summit
- Digital Economy 2.0 summit
- Digital Commerce 2.0 summit
- Digital Things 2.0 summit
PEREY Research & Consulting chaired the NDE Innovator's Showcase on Augmented
Reality in San Francisco on the evening of March 27, 2012.
OGC Technical Committee Meeting
Members of the Open Geospatial Consortium meet quarterly to develop and
to study the use of geospatial standards in many domains. These meetings are
where those working on AR Markup Language, KML, 3D Information Management and
other standards highly relevant to AR discuss and advance their activities.
PEREY Research & Consulting is an active member of the OGC. In March, we
presented the results of the first AR-4-Basel project and attended a workshop on the
subject of AR and 3D. We participated in the Business Value and the ARML
Working Groups and other meetings in Austin, Texas between March 19 and 24, 2012.
Fifth International Meeting on AR Standards
All those who are currently working towards open interfaces via standards
bodies were invited to present the status of their activities. Companies and
individuals with interest in the topic of AR standards also attended this
meeting. The final agenda can be viewed on the meeting web page.
Khronos Group and Open Geospatial Consortium are sponsors of this meeting.
PEREY Research & Consulting co-chaired this meeting in Austin, Texas
on March 19 and 20, 2012.
AR in Texas Workshops
The AR in Texas Workshops provided local businesses the opportunity
to get from the sidelines into the fast lane with Augmented Reality. We first
introduced Augmented Reality to decision makers and owners of digital content, including
3D models and geospatial data, explaining the business cases and the new ways their
assets can be utilized and visualized in real time. On Saturday March 17, we assisted
developers to get up to speed with the latest tools and techniques for developing high
quality AR "experiences" for their audiences.
Christine Perey led the Decision Maker's Guide to AR workshop
in Dallas, Texas on March 16, 2012.
Damon Hernandez, of Idea Builder Homes led the Developer's Tool Chest for
AR workshop in Dallas, Texas on March 17, 2012.
Augmented Human Conference 2012
The Augmented Human Conference focuses on scientific contributions towards
augmenting humans capabilities through technology for increased well-being
and enjoyable human experiences. We will be exploring possible collaboration
with those presenting their latest results at the intersection of Augmented
and Mixed Reality, Internet of Things and wearable computing domains. Glad that
the event was back in France!
The Augmented Human International Conference was held in Megeve, France,
March 8th - 9th, 2012.
Fully Networked Car Workshop 2012
The Fully Networked Car Workshop 2012 at the Geneva International Motor Show is a
unique opportunity to engage with the motor industry and the three international
standards organizations, IEC, ISO and ITU. It brought together key players involved
in the development of technologies and standards for the automotive industry.
PEREY Research & Consulting participated in the workshop in Geneva, Switzerland
on March 7 and 8, 2012.
Game Developers' Conference 2012
The Global Game Developer's Conference is the world's largest professionals-only
game industry event. The conference commemorated its 25th edition in 2011, making
it also the longest-running event of its kind. The GDC attracts over 19,000
attendees, and is the primary forum where programmers, artists, producers, game
designers, audio professionals, business decision-makers and others involved in
the development of interactive games gather to exchange ideas and shape the future
of the industry. New Augmented Reality titles are regularly released at GDC.
GDC12 took place in San Francisco, California on March 5-9, 2012.
Mobile World Congress 2012
Mobile World Congress 2012 celebrated the mobile industry achievements
and offered a glimpse into where mobile has the potential to go next. During
this week-long event there was a thought-leadership conference and the largest
exhibition in the world of mobile industry companies, including 1,600 stands.
PEREY Research & Consulting was closely involved in several projects
that unveiled and showcased mobile AR during this important tradeshow and
conference in Barcelona, Spain from February 27 to March 1, 2012.
IoT Zurich meetup group
This was the third meeting of the IoT Zurich Meetup Group. Attendees heard from
BEN Energy, Aizo and the ETHZ Bits-to-Energy Lab about projects and plans.
The meetup group is open to all and there is casual networking after the presentations.
To get more information, about the meeting or click here to join the meetup group!
PEREY Research & Consulting chaired this meeting in Zurich, Switzerland on
February 21, 2012.
ITU Joint Coordination Activity on IoT
The goal of the JCA-IoT is to coordinate the ITU-T work on the
Internet of Things including network aspects of identification of things,
and ubiquitous sensor networks (USN). This was the fourth meeting of
the group which includes representatives from many international SDOs.
The survey portion of the activity is nearing completion and a roadmap
for IoT Standardization is in development.
PEREY Research & Consulting attended this meeting in
Geneva, Switzerland on February 14-15, 2012.
The European 3D and Virtual Technology Event
The imagina is an annual international event whose objective is to showcase
the many fields across which 3D visualisation and simulation technologies are applied,
promoting them to decision makers and technical experts, presenting pioneering
initiatives encouraging participants to share their experiences and helping
experienced users to transfer their skills to those who want to develop them.
PEREY Research & Consulting attended this conference and exhibition held in
Monaco February 7-9, 2012.
Winter Augmented Reality Meeting 2012
The WARM is an annual interdisciplinary meeting of experts in AR and related
domains conducted in a casual atmosphere. Among colleagues at WARM, researchers
frequently discussed their new project ideas and results of preliminary explorations.
This was also an excellent opportunity to network with graduate students who are
designing their research and/or those who have completed their projects and looking
for new opportunities where they can apply their talents in research or industry.
This meeting was held in Graz, Austria on February 8-9, 2012.
IoT Zurich meetup group
This was the second meeting of the IoT Zurich Meetup Group. Attendees
heared from three local entrepreneurs in the IoT space about their projects
and plans. The meetup group is open to all and there is casual networking
after the presentations. To get more information, join the meetup group!
PEREY Research & Consulting was chair of this meeting in
Zurich, Switzerland on January 17, 2012. Our blog post about the meeting
contains links to the presentations and speaker bios.
ARCH Meeting on AR for Venues
This meeting assisted professionals who own and manage venues
better understand the uses of Augmented Reality to attract and engage with visitors.
In addition, those who provide AR technologies and content were invited to explore how
AR assists venue visitors, managers of venues, organizers of exhibitions and other
provide more value with mobile AR experiences.
A special white paper on the topic of AR for Venues is available.
PEREY Research & Consulting chaired this meeting in Zurich
on January 10, 2012.
Events in 2011
Mobile Monday Switzerland Meeting #28
Mobile Monday Switzerland's meeting on the Mobile Internet of Things
was co-chaired by PEREY Research & Consulting in Bern, Switzerland. It was also
the first meeting of the IoT Zurich Meetup Group. We had an excellent line up
of speakers providing the theoretical and practical views of mobile operators,
large and small companies providing products and services for Mobile IoT.
This meeting took place on December 5, 2011.
First IoT Barcelona Meetup
PEREY Research & Consulting chaired the kick-off and Get Acquainted session
of the IoT Barcelona meetup group at which
the first members were present.
This meeting took place in Barcelona on December 1, 2011.
Smart City Expo
The first Smart City Expo and Conference was held in Barcelona Spain and
focused on the societal, engineering and government issues with implementing
Smart City practices and technologies. The meeting was co-located with the ETBI
Railway event from November 30 to December 2, 2011.
PEREY Research & Consulting attended this event on December 1 and 2, 2011.
Open Geospatial Consortium TC Meeting
The OGC holds quarterly meetings of membership during which working group
members meet to advance their work in domains of interest and on standards for
geospatial information and systems. This meeting was held in Brussels, Belgium
from November 28 to December 1, 2011.
ITU-T JCA on Internet of Things
The ITU-T Joint Coordination Action on the topic of the Internet of Things
meets quarterly to conduct industry-wide study on the standards which can and
will impact the growth of the Internet of Things. Perey Research & Consulting
attended this meeting in Geneva, Switzerland on November 28-29, 2011 on
behalf of the Open Geospatial Consortium.
Mobile Asia Congress
The Mobile Asia Congress in Hong Kong was the largest
meeting of the mobile industry in Asia outside of China. Organized by the GSMA
Mobile Asia Congress featured a thought-leadership conference, exhibition areas and
AppPlanet. Christine Perey chaired an special AppBytes session on Mobile
Augmented Reality, featuring leading AR products and services companies in Asia.
We participated in this event on November 16-17, 2011.
IBA 2020 Basel Forum
PEREY Research & Consulting has developed an IBA2020 proposal to bring
mobile Augmented Reality to the region of Basel to enhance cultural and linguistic
exchanges and to raise awareness of the status of various IBA projects in
progress. We presented our preliminary project goals during the IBA 2020 Forum
in Basel, Switzerland on November 3, 2011.
Fourth International Meeting on AR Standards
All those who are currently working towards open interfaces via standards
bodies came together and presented the status of their activities. Companies and
individuals with interest in the topic of AR standards participated in this
meeting for the worldwide community.
Khronos Group and Open Geospatial Consortium were sponsors of this meeting.
PEREY Research & Consulting organized and chaired this meeting in Basel, Switzerland
on October 24 and 25, 2011.
The International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality is the largest
annual meeting of researchers and experts on Mixed and Augmented Reality. It is
the single most important event for the publication of cutting edge research in AR.
PEREY Research & Consulting attended and contributed to the ISMAR2011
conference in Basel, Switzerland on October 26-29, 2011.
Third International Meeting on AR Standards
The third meeting of the community of experts seeking to advance open and
interoperable Augmented Reality through the adoption of standards and best
practices took place in conjunction with (and was hosted by)the Open
Geospatial Consortium. The objectives of this meeting included:
- to establish or increase mutual awareness among Standards Development
Organizations (SDOs) relevant to AR through a carefully managed
"discovery" process that is mindful of the IPR policies of the respective
SDOs, - to establish or increase dialog among leadership of industry associations
whose members are specifically interested in Augmented Reality initiatives
and SDOs, - to explore how SDOs and industry associations will define "contact zones" of
mutual interest, - to permit participants of the meeting to share their views and objectives,
as well as progress/status of their activities, and - to introduce new and important topics likely to impact the future of AR such
as Spatial Law and Policy.
All those who are currently working towards open interfaces via standards
bodies were invited to present the status of their activities. Companies and
individuals with interest in the topic of AR standards attended.
The meeting was open to the public upon pre-registration.
PEREY Research & Consulting co-chaired this meeting in Taichung, Taiwan
on June 15 and 16, 2011.
Future Internet Week in Budapest
PEREY Research & Consulting attended and participated in the meetings
held in Budapest May 16-19, 2011. The first day of this conference focused
on the Internet of Things during which the projects working in this area were
present. The Future Internet Conference was a one day meeting of industry and
researchers to discuss open topics and shape Future Internet research agendas.
On May 18-19, there was the Future Internet Assembly. The European
Future Internet Assembly, also known as FIA, is a collaboration between projects
that have recognised the need to strengthen European activities on the Future
Internet to maintain European competitiveness in the global marketplace.
FIA was open to all researchers engaged in Future Internet research (be they in
EU or not) to contribute and participate towards FIA's goals.
New Digital Economics-EMEA
PEREY Research & Consulting presented on the topic of Augmented Reality
at the New Digital Economics Event on Thursday, May 12, 2011 in London, UK.
The Communications, Media and Entertainment ecosystem is becoming more complex
as the business models of different players converge and collide. New Digital Economics
was a premium strategy event focused on new growth opportunities and business models
for Communications, Media and Entertainment companies. Opportunities and business
models were explored in each of five co-located events:
- Telco 2.0 summit,
- Digital Entertainment 2.0 summit,
- Mobile Apps 2.0 summit
- M2M 2.0 summit and
- Personal Data 2.0 summit.
Organized by STL Partners, the New Digital Economics Executive Brainstorm
and Developer Forum took place at the Guoman Tower Hotel, London from
May 11 through 13, 2011.
AR in China Event
On Friday April 29, 2011 Christine Perey chaired the first AR in China
meeting and provided an overview of the global AR technology and market landscape.
Organized by PEREY Research & Consulting, in collaboration with Beijing Institute
of Technology, this event assisted business and technology decision managers to
explore all the opportunities and obstacles to the growth of AR in China.
Mobile AR Showcase
On the evening of Thursday April 28, 2011 PEREY Research & Consulting chaired
a large multi-vendor Mobile AR Showcase and reception. Beginning with a short
keynote address to introduce the topic of AR to a diverse audience of developers
and mobile industry professionals, the showcase companies then summarized why
they are working on AR and what they would be showing.
Organized in collaboration with Mobile Monday Beijing and hosted by Orange Labs
Beijing, this meeting was open to all.
Global Mobile Internet Conference
On Thursday April 28, 2011 PEREY Research & Consulting chaired a panel
session on the subject of mobile Augmented Reality at the Global Mobile Internet
Conference in Beijing, China.
Organized by the Great Wall Club, the Global Mobile Internet Conference (GMIC)
is Asia's largest and most elite mobile Internet conference. It is specifically
designed for mobile Internet leaders to connect with one another, to learn from
top industry influencers, and to promote their initiatives.
The GMIC took place at the China National Conference Center April 27-28, 2011.
New Digital Economics-Americas
PEREY Research & Consulting presented on the topic of Augmented Reality
at the New Digital Economics Event on Wednesday, April 6, 2011 in Palo Alto, CA.
The Communications, Media and Entertainment ecosystem is becoming more complex
as the business models of different players converge and collide. New Digital Economics
is a premium strategy event focused on new growth opportunities and business models
for Communications, Media and Entertainment companies.
Swiss Augmented Reality Meetup Group Meeting
During the March meeting of the Swiss AR meetup group, ARCH
members of the
group discussed the use of AR in Learning and Cultural Heritage. We shared
recent examples and lessons learned. The format of the meeting was informal as
we met in a restaurant near the Bern train station.
The meeting on March 15, 2011 was open to all. No fee for participation.
Annual Meeting of NFAIS
The theme of the 53rd NFAIS Annual Conference was "Taming the Information
Tsunami." Participants discussed how the Web, search engines and social media
have created a new world of information abundance. How can content providers
efficiently navigate the information tsunami to provide their audiences with
the reliable, relevant information that deserves their time and attention?
PEREY Research & Consulting presented on the topic of Augmented Reality
at the NFAIS Annual Conference on Monday, February 28, 2011 in Philadelphia, PA
in the Future Technologies session.
You may wish to review the slides.
Winter Augmented Reality Meeting
The annual Winter Augmented Reality Meeting was an opportunity for those
in the AR research community who have ideas about new research directions
to meet and discuss these face-to-face. On the convivial and relaxed Technical
University of Graz (TU-Graz) campus, participants presented talks and conducted
demonstration sessions to receive feedback and community inputs.
PEREY Research & Consulting attended this meeting in Graz, Austria on
February 23 and 24, 2011.
Second International Meeting on AR Standards
The most recent meeting of the AR standards experts and community was held
immediately following Mobile World Congress 2011.
All those who are currently working towards open interfaces via standards
bodies were invited to present the status of their activities. Companies and
individuals with interest in the topic of AR standards came together.
To review the outputs of the meeting visit this page.
PEREY Research & Consulting co-chaired this meeting in Barcelona on
February 17, 18 and 19, 2011.
Mobile AR Marketplace
Qualified companies in the mobile AR ecosystem who seek to buy, sell, license
or develop applications with platforms, technologies or content for mobile
users were invited to participate in the first Mobile AR Marketplace. This
unique event maximized new and deeper business discussions based on the
position of companies in the mobile AR value chain and their statements to the
meeting plenary. Then our framework for interaction during a series of short
meetings acted as a springboard to closing deals with new partners.
PEREY Research & Consulting chaired this meeting in Barcelona
on February 15, 2011.
ARCH Meeting on AR in Print and Publishing
This meeting assisted professionals in the print/publishing trade and
vendors who are serving the communications industry to get familiar with AR
and to explore the use of AR for their customers and readers. There was
the opportunity to meet with AR experts and service providers who specialize
in AR experiences.
A special white paper on the topic of AR in Print and Publishing is available.
PEREY Research & Consulting chaired this meeting in Zurich
on January 17, 2011.
Events in 2010
The aim of ICMI-MLMI 2010 was to further scientific research within the broad
field of multimodal interaction, methods, and systems, focusing on major trends and
challenges, and working towards identifying a roadmap for future research and
commercial success.
PEREY Research & Consulting attended ICMI-MLMI 2010 which was held in
Beijing, November 8-12, 2010.
International Workshop on AR Standards
PEREY Research & Consulting organized the first International Workshop
on the topic of standards for AR which took place immediately prior to ISMAR2010,
on October 11-12, 2010 at KIST in Seoul, Korea.
Prior to the meeting, experts prepared and submitted their position papers.
During the meeting, we developed a significant body of new content which is now
available to the community on this page.
Another meeting will take place in Barcelona February 17-19, 2011.
Conference, Workshops and Exhibition
PEREY Research & Consluting collaborated with general conference co-chairs and other volunteers to make ISMAR, the annual meeting of the science and research community focusing on mixed and augmented reality successful.
The focus of Christine Perey's contributions to this event were in the
area of Mobile Augmented and Mixed Reality for consumer applications.
ISMAR 2010 took place October 13-16, 2010 at the COEX in Seoul, Korea.
On the first day of ISMAR 2010, October 13, 2010, we conducted the Mobile AR Summit at ISMAR2010. The event began with setting the context: What is the status of commercial Mobile AR in 2010? Then, the workshop participants took part in discussion groups focusing on the technical and business aspects of providing mobile AR to consumers. A special session on Mobile AR content publishing and management featured three invited speakers. The final third of the workshop focused on the future of commercial AR applications and services for mobile network subscribers.
More information about this workshop is available here.
Federated Social Web Summit
This invitation-only event was held on July 18, 2010 in Portland, Oregon for those working on building the federated social Web. This means building upon open Web protocols that allow for various Web projects to interoperate.
On June 30, 2010 there were several important announcements for AR developers made at this Qualcomm-hosted conference in San Diego, California.
An SDK and platform for mobile AR will be available for developers in Fall 2010, and a developer challenge offering $200,000 in awards and prizes for best applications.
Media coverage was extensive, including features on BusinessWeek, EETimes, and
Most of the information about the program remains to be revealed.
This web site is a good place to monitor developments.
Augmented Reality and the Web
Christine Perey was co-chair of the first W3C workshop on Augmented Reality and the Web on June 15-16, 2010.
This was an important event for all those who seek to better understand the evolution of the Web in response to the introduction and adoption of Augmented Reality.
The opening presentation is available here.
The final agenda for the workshop is available on the W3C Web site, as are the list of attendees, the list of papers and the official report of the workshop, including the call to action by participants.
The W3C workshop was held just prior to the Mobile 2.0 Europe conference also in Barcelona, Spain on June 17, 2010.
This event in Santa Clara on June 2 and 3, 2010 brought together nearly 300 people from the industry to develop partnerships and expand the business of AR.
We attended the Lift event on May 5-7, 2010 in Geneva, Switzerland.
Another in the exciting series of DevCamps for Augmented Reality enthusiasts and beginners, this event was organized by empea, a Web services creative agency. As it is an "unconference" the program and session topics were not defined in advance of the meeting.
It was held on April 23-24, 2010 in Berlin, Germany.
We spoke at The Augmented Reality Conference. This event was held in the
San Francisco Airport Mariott on April 21, 2010. It was co-located with the
Emerging Communications (eComm) America 2010 conference.
We collaborated with volunteers to organize this special unconference for all those who are interested developing their skills with AR tools and learning more about the future of Augmented Reality. This was also the first meeting of the Swiss Augmented Reality Meetup Group.
The AR DevCamp Zurich meeting was hosted by IBM at the IBM Forum in Zurich. Read more...
The outcomes of the AR DevCamp Zurich event may be found on this page.
We participated in this important event to assist publishers in getting up to speed with Augmented Reality.
The Tools of Change session about Augmented Reality took place February 24, 2010 in New York, New York. Read more...
Boonsri Dickinson shot this video interview with Christine at TOC:
Summit 1PM to 5PM Showcase at 5 PM
February 17, 2010
Organized by Vodafone, and
PEREY Research & Consulting
@Mobile World Congress 2010
We collaborated with Vodafone Research & Development to organize this participatory meeting. We co-chaired an exciting afternoon of discussions of 65 stakeholders about mobile AR challenges and opportunities, fostering industry-wide collaboration.
The four position papers we contributed to the Mobile AR Summit:
- Clouds on the Horizon? Mobile AR Risks and Obstacles published Feb 9, 2010
- Cross-Platform AR published Feb 9, 2010
- Where's the Money? Mobile AR Revenue Streams published Feb 9, 2010
- What Will Work Where When? published Feb 9, 2010
The Mobile Augmented Reality Summit took place on February 17, 2010 in Barcelona, Spain. Read more...