Mobile Social Networking
Mobile Social Networking includes a diverse portfolio of technologies and services ranging from simple chat room services where people can meet others and join affinity groups with only texting tools, to multimedia-rich environments and UGC sharing communities which persist after the user logs off.
This is a VERY HOT segment of the mobile telecommunications industry based on incessant media coverage and strong interest from subscribers, but there’s also tremendous confusion about what Mobile Social Networking covers, who is participating, who should be responsible for what and how to take advantage of the opportunities.
A tidal wave of new products and services for Mobile Social Networking hit the market in 2007 and 2008 but, in 2009, many were overshadowed by the growth of Facebook access by mobile subscribers. The number of unique mobile social networking users surpassed 150M worldwide at the end of 2009 and the 5 year CAGR is 50 percent. Simply put, Mobile Social Networking is approaching a new level of maturity and challenges are also new. The wave of activity continues in 2011 but the major question of monetization remains a mystery to many of the suppliers.
If you or your company wish to generate new revenues or increase your growth rate from mobile social networking traffic and transactions, review the professional services we offer and contact us for a consultation.
Workshop and Social Web Incubator Group

Christine Perey was general co-chair of the first W3C Workshop on the Future of Social Networking.
This event, held in January 2009, permitted social networking experts to exchange views and examine how a new Social Web architecture might arise.
The workshop web site has links to the agenda, a page with the 72 position papers submitted, photos, and instructions for how to join the mailing list.
Following the workshop, participants established the charter for the W3C Social Web Incubator Group.
The primary responsibility of the W3C Social Web Incubator Group is to produce a report summarizing discussions with other groups, and proposing how the W3C can participate productively in the wider Social Web ecosystem.
PEREY Research & Consulting has collaborated with Dr. Renato Ianello of the SPIN Research project at NICTA and, in December 2009, contributed to the Incubator Group the draft document on Social Web Frameworks.
Please contact us by e-mail to learn more about how you can participate in the process of developing best practices for social networking and the industry.
Market Research Reveals Opportunities and Risks
Mobile Social Networking has been developing and evolving for at least the past eight years. It was previously perceived as a small segment of the larger communications industry and has only recently begun to blossom.
Going forward, the growth of the mobile social networking industry is multi-directional. It spans:
- high growth in number of active registered users,
- high change in the usage patterns of users in different categories, all pointing upwards,
- high growth in the number and variety in the types of services offered and
- high growth in the number of companies participating in the value chains.
To learn how your company can tap the enormous potential of mobile social network, contact us about our custom research and management consulting services.
The Definitive Report on Mobile Social Networking

Prepared exclusively by PEREY Research & Consulting, the Second Edition of Informa's market research report on the topic of mobile social networks is now available.
The Informa Telecoms & Media report entitled Mobile Social Networking: Business, Technology and Mobile Operator Strategies covers these topics:
- The new technology strategies permitting operators and community platform providers to increase stickiness and monetization of their mobile social networking services
- The use of contextual awareness in mobile community services
- The strategies and impact of the "mobilization" of the largest Web-based communities
- The emergence of industry standards and de-facto Application Interfaces for enabling services
- Impact of mobile advertising and new premium services on the near and long term revenues in this industry
Plus NEW in this report:
- Forecasts to 2013 using three scenarios will allow you to base your decisions on the most comprehensive and reliable market data available
- Thirteen in-depth country profiles covering:
- United States
- Canada
- Brazil
- Japan
- South Korea
- China
- India
- France
- Germany
- Italy
- Spain
- United Kingdom
- Russia